A lively 4 hour talk radio show hosted by Terry and Tiffany DuFoe LIVE from an old abandoned Drive-In Movie theater with Wicked Kitty and Fritz the studio cats and CRAGG The Gargoyle. We play retro pop culture, Drive-In movie, classic TV and old radio audio along with LIVE on the air celebrity interviews from the world of movies, TV, music, print, internet and a few odd balls thrown in for good measure. We air Saturdays 6-10 pm PST on our own radio network as part of the Cult Radio Snack Bar line up seen at: www.cultradioagogo.com/thisweek.html and airing on www.cultradioagogo.com a 24/7 free internet radio network of old time radio, music, movie trailers, old nostalgic commercials, snack bar audio, AND much more! Join us as we talk to our guests actor / musician Arch Hall Jr (Wild Guitar, Eegah, etc) & author Monica Holy. This show is copyright 2009 DuFoe Entertainment and the live interviews contained in this show may not be reproduced, transcribed or posted to a blog, social network or website without written permission from DuFoe Entertainment. We are always looking for radio show hosts so please contact us directly on our web site!
NOTE* There is a brief leader before and after the show which was recorded "LIVE" off the air.